Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chicken Alberghetti

After I had my youngest son,
a dear friend of mine brought me this dinner.
She had the recipe printed in my Columbus Cooking Friends Cookbook.
She has no idea how many times I have made it since.
This is my husbands Favorite meal EVER.
(in fact: when I told him I was planning on making it for Sunday dinner, he planted a big KISS on me) Which made me think, I should make this more often :-)
So, thank you Alder O. for introducing me and my family to this Scrumptious meal.
For some reason adding that half and half makes the sauce so GOOD.
I have said enough, Enjoy!

Chicken Alberghetti

-4 chicken breasts
-2 eggs beaten
-1 1/2 cup of plain bread crumbs
-1 Tablespoon of melted butter
-16 oz jar of spaghetti sauce (I like to use Barilla brand tomato and basil)
-1/2 cup of half & half (you can use fat-free)
-8 slices of thinly sliced mozzarella cheese*
-8 slices of thinly sliced Swiss cheese*
-1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
-Cooked pasta of your choice

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. In a baking dish large enough to fit 4 chicken breasts layed side to side, Pour the spaghetti sauce in the pan. Then pour the half & half in the pan. Mix the half & half and the spaghetti sauce together until well combined.

3. If your chicken breasts are thick, you will want to flatten them a little. If they are thin you can skip this step: One at a time put a chicken breast in a large ziplock bag and seal. You are now going to flatten the chicken breast in the bag by getting a large mug or mallet and pushing down on the chicken breast until about 1 inch thick.

4. In a bowl beat the eggs with a fork. In another bowl mix the bread crumbs with the melted butter.

5. Now you are ready to dip the chicken First in the egg mixture, then into the bread crumb mixture. Once the chicken breast is completely covered in the bread mixture, lay the chicken breast down on the spaghetti sauce in the baking pan. Repeat until all four chicken breasts are breaded and on top of spaghetti sauce.

6. Now, top the chicken with the cheeses layering Mozzarella, Swiss, and Parmesan.

7. Cover and cook for 50 minutes. Uncover and continue to cook until the cheese on top is barely browning. About 15 minutes.

8. Serve over cooked Pasta noodles.

*For the cheeses, I go to the deli counter and ask then to slice me 8 slices of Paper thin Mozzarella and Swiss. Some deli ladies or guys will give me a weird look when I ask them. But I am thinking, come on this is your job. . . :-) If you can not get paper thin slices then just use the thicker deli style cheese slices, but only use four.


  1. I found your blog off the Shirley J site a few weeks ago and love it! I have a few quick questions...

    1. Do you pan fry the chicken before sticking it in the oven? If not, are the breadcrumbs mushy, or do they have a bit of a crunch to them?

    2. If I order Shirley J products from you, is there a price difference from ordering directly from Shirley J? What is the difference?

    This recipe looks great. I think I'm going to make it for dinner tonight!!

  2. Ok, if this is your husband's favorite meal, I HAVE to try it. Rave reviews like that cannot go ignored. Thanks for the recipe!

  3. Andria,

    I am so glad that you found my blog off of the Shirley J site!

    1. I did not pan fry my chicken before I put it in the oven. It does not come out crunchy but more just breaded. If you wanted the crunch you could totally pan fry for I would say 5 minutes on each side before you put it in the oven. That actually is a great idea to do that, i might give it a try next time I make this dish. :-)

    2. There is no difference in the price, I would just get credit for the volume of product you ordered. If you want to place an order on line there is a box right after the Payment info that says 'how did you hear about us' you would put my number 1027 there, before you check out.

    If you wanted to sign up as a executive chef (that is what I am) you would still pay the same price for the products- no discount- but you would receive a rebate check monthly on the volume of product that was ordered under your number. If you do decide to sign-up you should call the company directly and sign up over the phone, I would love it if you gave them my referral number as well 1027.

    If you have any other questions, please let me know!

  4. Melanie,
    The way to a man's heart is through good food, right?
    You will have to let me know if you try it.
